
Unveiling Artistry: The Socially Wasted Sample Sale Extravaganza

Unveiling Artistry: The Socially Wasted Sample Sale Extravaganza

In the heart of creativity, where the pulse of artistry beats loudest, Ceadda, the visionary force behind Socially Wasted, orchestrated a momentous event — a Sample Sale that transcended the boundaries of conventional fashion.The venue was set, and the doors to the Socially Wasted Pop-Up Sale swung wide open, revealing a treasure trove of over 100 exclusive, one-of-a-kind pieces meticulously crafted over the years. Each garment, a testament to Ceadda's artistic journey, bore the unique imprint of creativity and innovation.The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as fashion enthusiasts and connoisseurs flocked to witness a collection that breathed life into the essence...

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A deep dive into our history

A deep dive into our history

Introducing Ceadda, an accomplished artist and fashion designer hailing from Chicago and later establishing roots in Delaware. With a constant pulse of creativity, Ceadda embarked on a transformative journey a decade ago, giving birth to the brand "Socially Wasted" within the confines of a basement. Originally conceived as a college-centric label, the brand's name, despite its suggestive nature, doesn't revolve around drinking; instead, it articulates the challenges faced by students managing the intricate dance of college life, encompassing loans, tuition, and the delicate equilibrium of work-study life.As Socially Wasted matured, it gracefully transcended its initial scope, embracing a more diverse...

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What makes you Socially Wasted?

What makes you Socially Wasted?

Socially Wasted™ encapsulates the exhaustion of those under the influence of everyday society, social stigmas and social media alike. Socially wasted is not affiliated with any university nor do we offer any licensed or official merchandise from any university and its subsidiaries. “Socially Wasted” does not refer to drinking nor does our brand promote alcohol abuse. We encourage everyone to Think Responsibly.

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